Health and Wellness

Chronic Pain and Cannabis

Chronic pain can stem from strained or tight muscles, worn down or stiff joints, or even inflamed internal organs, and is often a sign of a larger health concern. If the pain continues for a long enough time period, the chronic pain becomes a problem unto itself. Those who suffer from chronic pain have found relief from their daily struggle, using products such as cannabis edibles.

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Health and Wellness

Edible Dosing for Best Results

Getting the right product and the correct dosage of cannabis is vital to the effectiveness and the experience of the user. If we take too little, our condition goes unaddressed, but too much may cause an uncomfortable experience. Just as with any other drug consuming the right amount is unique to each person based on a whole host of factors.

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Health and Wellness

Insomnia and Cannabis

For many in the U.S. insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or cause someone to wake up too early and not fall back asleep. As insomnia persists, it can weaken the immune system, decrease metabolism, cause problems in memory recall, and even lead to or exacerbate serious health conditions. Fortunately, an alternative source of relief for quality restorative sleep can be found in cannabis.

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